Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Goodbye Prednisone

Today, I am officially done with chemo drugs. I took my last 5 prednisone pills this morning. I'm so glad to be done with prednisone. It will take a few days to get out of my system but I do not have to swallow those pills anymore. I am just not myself when I'm on prednisone.

I'm looking forward to feeling better. I usually feel better by Thursday or Friday after chemo. I'm excited to know that I will continue to feel better. I don't know if/when I will ever feel 100% but I won't have to feel like this again.

I'm excited to play with my kids again! I have fun with them but I haven't felt like I can jump on the trampoline or do anything too aggressive. I'm excited to grow my hair back. I've finally come to the realization that I don't look bad as a bald guy but I love my hair.

I can't wait to get my PICC line removed. I want to go swimming or take a long shower without a bag on my arm.

Holding hands with Michelle. My left hand suffers from neuropathy and is constantly numb. My right hand has carpal tunnel syndrome and it goes numb a lot as well. The neuropathy may take some time to go away but I am hopeful.

I can't wait to be 100% engaged at work. I've tried to stay engaged but it is so hard when I've been in and out of the office. I love my job and the people that I work with.

Most of all, I'm just going to love getting back to normal life. Doing what I want, when I want. Thanks again everyone!

1 comment:

tblue said...

Way to go Jim. Inspiring as always. I'm sure it has been a long hard road, but it is good to see it coming to an end. I look forward to being able to ping you at work again!
