Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Not Sure What It Means...

I think the hypermetabolic activity is spreading but I'll have to wait until my appointment with Dr. Legant on Thursday to be sure. Here are the results of my PET Scan today (with my commentary):

Findings: At the skull base and neck no abnormal hypermetabolic uptake is detected. (This sounds good)

At the thorax no abnormal hypermetabolic uptake is detected. (This also sounds good)

In the central upper abdomen there is a new mesenteric focus of increased activity, which measures 1.9 cm in diameter. It is centered at CT transverse section 156 with maximum SUV 4.8. (This doesn't sound good)

Three other sites of abnormal hypermetabolic uptake persist in the abdomen. Mesentery focus at CT transverse section 163 shows SUV of 2.4. This previously measured 5.3. (Mixed on this one)

Increased activity is seen at two other sites in the mesentery and these have increased from a previous maximum of 4.1 to 6.2 SUV. (Not so good?)

At the pelvis no abnormal hypermetabolic uptake is detected. (Good)

1. A new mesentery hypermetabolic lymph node has deveoloped over the interval.
2. Other sites of abnormal hypermetabolism show a mixed response since the prior study. Several sites show increased standard uptake values since the prior examination.

Too soon to get overly upset or concerned. Regardless of the outcome, we are ready to fight...again!

Monday, September 19, 2011

My Attempt At Film Making

Okay, please don't judge the artistic value of this video. I wanted to do this before my upcoming PET Scan on 9/27/2011. I love the message in this song...I hope you do too.


Saturday, September 10, 2011

What Is Happiness?

I recently read a neat quote..."Happiness is something you decide on ahead of time." I really liked this quote. We all know someone that never seems happy and we also know people that are happy no matter what happens. My own view of happiness has changed over the past 7 or 8 months. I've always considered myself a pretty happy person. Don't get me wrong, I have my bad days and can do better. Here are a few tips for happiness:

  • Focus on the positive - I know this is very cliche' but it is true.

  • Be happy today - I'm sure we all know people that are always looking for the next big thing and aren't happy today.

  • Make happy deposits - Find those moments that you can recall during the less than happy times.

  • Enjoy your family - They are a great source of joy.

  • Be grateful - When we can be grateful for our challenges, we grow and appreciate it more when we overcome those challenges.

  • Give more - While most of us think of money when we say "Give more", I think it is more important to give of yourself. Do what you can to make other people happy and your happiness will increase.

  • Expect less - This doesn't mean we should lower our standards but if we always set the bar really high and rarely reach that bar, we will be disappointed.

Sorry to get philosophical on you but I've had a few experiences recently that made me realize that some people aren't happy and in most cases, it is their own fault. I love my sweetheart, she is a very happy person. My kids too! We laugh, we love eachother and we are happy. Life is good and we all should be happier!