Wednesday, January 11, 2012

不思議 Fushigi

I've been bad at posting lately...I thought I would share my story of fushigi. When I was a little boy, my Dad was in the military and we lived in Japan. I never learned how to speak Japanese but my Dad served a two and a half year mission in Japan and then we spent 3 years there as a family. So needless to say, my Dad speaks Japanese. Our story of Japan is a cool story but it is a story for another day. This story is about our trip to Las Vegas.

My nephew Dallin was baptized this past weekend. Several of us decided to drive down and see them. My Dad wasn't sure if he could get out of work early but ended up getting off before the rest of us. We spoke on the phone and he was getting ready to leave. I decided that I would get my family on the road so we wouldn't be too far behind him. We got on I-15 and discovered that we were just a short distance behind him and my Mom. We stopped at different places but still managed to follow each other for most of the way.

We had a very good weekend in Las Vegas. We took the kids to the M&M factory and spent some good time with the family. On Sunday, we all went our own way. As it turned out, Michelle and I were the first to head for home. We drove from Las Vegas to St. George and stopped for gas and treats. While we were stopped, I called my Dad to see where they were. He said that they had just entered St. George. We joked that maybe we would see each other. After we got settled, we entered on the freeway and guess who was there...of course it was my Mom and Dad.

My Dad called and said that it was "fushigi". I don't think there is a direct translation but it is like a very rare coincidence or wonder. I didn't hear my Dad very well and thought he said "jushigi". He corrected me and said "fushigi" to which I heard "kushigi". He then said "Fuuuuushigi", to which I responded "Oh... F-U". Everyone in my car started laughing and I realized what I said. My Dad then said, "That is some way to speak to your Dad!"

So that is my story of Fushigi. I have my next appointment with Dr. Legant next week. I hope the blood work looks great! I'll try to stay on top of the blog a little better going forward.

As a side note, I attended a viewing for my Great Uncle Dick Smuin today. He was a great man and I'm so happy he is with my Aunt Larue. During the last few days of his life, he was saying "Shut up Marge". Marge is my Grandma Carbine that passed away a year and a half ago. He then told Ashley, his Granddaughter that was taking care of him, "Marge won't shut the he** up".

My Dad was telling me this story just after we found out about Uncle Dick and we were chuckling about it. Michelle asked what we were laughing about and Dad said, "Oh Uncle Dick died." He then had to correct himself and explain why we were laughing. I can picture my Grandma trying to coax Uncle Dick to come up with her and Larue. What a great generation. Uncle Dick fought in WWII and drove a tank. He was on the cover of Newsweek many years ago. I'm so grateful to know him, my Grandpa, Aunt Larue, and my Grandmas. So weird to think that the last of that generation has passed on.

1 comment:

Amelia said...

Fun stories. Thanks for coming to Dallin's baptism. It was really nice to see you and your family.