Friday, May 20, 2011

Rapture & Other Events This Week

Okay...I'm going to plead ignorance to this whole rapture event. Up until this week, I thought rapture was a bad "Blondie" song about a martian eating someone and then eating cars and bars. In some ways, rapture tomorrow might be nice (assuming I'm one of the 200 million that is selected). I could skip my last chemo treatment (sweet!), I wouldn't have to pay off my debts, I hear heaven is a great place, and I wouldn't be subjected to any more chick flicks (sorry sweetie). :) Obviously, I don't believe that rapture will occur tomorrow, I guess the joke will be on me if it does.

So on a more serious note, this week did have some noteworthy events. I went to work for a couple of days this week. I don't normally go the first week after chemo but we had visitors in town. My boss (the VP of Customer Service), his boss (SVP of Retail Sales and Service), the President of the company, and the Chief Executive Officer). We had a town hall with most of the employees where the CEO presented the state of the company and talked about a few things coming up in the near term. On Wednesday morning, I went to the theater to make sure everything was ready for the meeting. The CEO arrived and I went up to him and reintroduced myself (I didn't think he would recognize me without my hair). He knew it was me and was very happy to see me there. I don't think they expected me to come. The other executives arrived and they were equally excited to see me there. I have to say it again, I love working for my company. They care about people and that has been even more evident to me lately.

After the presentation, the CEO held a Q&A session for the employees. I was very impressed with the questions that were presented. I usually expect something from out of the blue but everyone was on their best behavior. At the end of the Q&A session, the CEO said "I'm really happy to see Jim here with us." That received a lot of applause and I tried to graciously thank him for the mention. All the while, I'm trying to keep my emotions in check. I had several people come up to me afterwards and say that it choked them up as well. I don't tell this story to brag nor do I think I deserved the recognition, it was just so humbling. I know many of my co-workers follow this blog and I'm thankful for all of you.

Those two days wore me out. I actually felt worse later in the week. On Thursday morning, I awoke to my daughter Makenzie complaining about pain in her side. We ended up going to the Instacare later and found out that she inherited kidney stones from me. Poor kid was in a lot of pain but I'm happy to say that she is doing better now. She has been addressing envelopes this week for her graduation announcements. I can't believe that she is going to be graduating in less than two weeks. She graduates on June 1st and my final chemo treatment is June 3rd. I'm glad that I will be feeling my best when she graduates.

Switching gears again...this week I decided that I want to write a book. I think I'm going to call it "Melvin and Me". I want to take my blog one step further and hopefully be a helpful guide for cancer patients. I want to keep it light and positive but talk about the realities of cancer and chemotherapy and how to cope with those realities. I really don't care if if does well, I hope it can just help someone. Keep me honest here, I hope you will all ask me how it is coming so I will continue and make it happen.

Well, another week gone. I will write again soon unless a martian comes and eats me and goes out eating cars. Wait...wrong rapture. Thanks everyone!

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