Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Adversity and How We Handle It

Have you ever thought about your experiences in life and how they help you cope with advesity? I have thought a lot about that lately. People often tell me how surprised they are that I remain so positive. I often say that I have my bad days but I choose to make most days the best that I can. I'm going to reveal some things about myself, I think most of you know that I'm an open book but some of these experiences could be embarrassing (I'm smiling as I write).

Let me begin with my early childhood. I was a chubby little toehead. I was always one of the smallest kids in my school classes but I was happy. One day my parents caught me hugging myself. I was raised to have self esteem and I told my parents that I was so happy and that I loved being me (or something like that). I was always well liked...I only had one altercation in my entire childhood and one of my best friends stepped in and fought for me. He and the other guy got suspended and I walked free. :)

I was elected as the 5th grade Vice President. My first experience in leadership. I remember going up against a very popular kid in our grade. I didn't care...I knew I was going to win. I've always had a positive attitude and I've always felt like I would win in everything.

In high school, I tried out for Madrigals as a sophomore. Sophomores didn't make it usually but my friend Troy and I both made it. I had a lot of fun in high school. I did have a failure though. I tried out for the freshman basketball team and didn't make it (did I mention I was short?). I wasn't too disappointed though, I was a star on my ward basketball team (grin).

During the summers I worked for the Salt Lake County Water Conservancy District on the grounds crew. I was chosen to be a foreman of the crew. At age 17, I was supervising several individuals, including a gentleman more than twice my age. I remember feeling so awkward about directing him. I learned some great lessons that summer.

Another wonderful experience for me was my LDS mission to Bangkok, Thailand. I spent 8 weeks in Provo, Utah learning the Thai language. When I landed in Bangkok, I thought they had taught me the wrong language. I was assigned to an area in Bangkok called Thonburi. It was a dirty, smelly place that flooded every night when the tide came in. I wanted to go home. I remained and spent the next two years developing wonderful relationships and teaching the gospel of Jesus Christ.

I've previously mentioned my relationship with my beautiful wife, Michelle. When we were engaged, she was still sealed to her ex-husband. We decided that we would get married for time and get sealed a year later. She ended up getting a sealing cancellation more quickly than everyone expected and we were able to married in the temple for time and all eternity. Another wonderful blessing for this guy.

In my twenties, I had my dream job and lost it. My world came crashing down. I didn't realize it at the time but that was the best thing that ever happened to me. I might still be there and I wouldn't have had the opportunities that I've had with my current company.

Some of my most valuable lessons have come from being a husband and father. Talk about adversity. The heartaches and blessings that come from being a dad.

Today, I am grateful for all of these things. They have molded me into the person that I am. I make no apologies for who I am. I'm grateful to wonderful parents that helped me become the person that I am today. You know from my last post that I'm grateful for my sweetheart. I'm grateful to my children. Finally, I'm grateful for so many wonderful friends throughout my entire life. Without all of these people, I wouldn't be able to handle the trials that have been placed in my way. If you are reading this...you are one of those people!!!


Sue Johnson said...

Oh, Jimmy! How I love you!

Elaine said...

Beautiful post, Jimmy. You are loved here in Missouri--along with your beautiful family, of course:-) We continue to pray for all of you every day.

Faithineverystitch said...

It was great to read your post. Keep up with your positive attitude. I know you already know that it will get you far. :)

Laurel said...

i'm so behind on my google reader but loved catching up. Love hearing the good news. Loved this post.

You have been in my prayers...all of you have and I'm so very grateful to know the Lord has given you WHAT you needed and WHO you needed.

You're quite a guy, Jimmy.
Thanks for sharing your journey.