Sunday, July 10, 2011

Howard Jones

I'm sorry I haven't posted sooner. I've been trying to stay busy and not think about the possibility of additional treatments. I mowed the lawn yesterday. It wore me out but I've got to start building my stamina. Michelle and I had a wonderful weekend. The kids went to Price to visit with their Aunt Stephanie and Uncle Scott. We went to the Howard Jones concert on Saturday night. We only had general admission seating and our spot wasn't the best but I still enjoyed the concert. You see...on May 22, 1987, Michelle and I had our first date. We went to the Howard Jones One to One concert. That concert was at Park West and was a wonderful night. Michelle reminded me that I kissed her on that first date. That was not my style, but I had known Michelle for quite some time before we ever went out. She also reminded me that she kissed me on our second first date (several years later).

Michelle and I have been to many Howard Jones concerts. We were counting last night and I have seen him 9 times and Michelle has seen him 8 times. We love his music but it is as much about nostalgia as it is about the music. I tried to take a video but it didn't turn out. Suffice it to say that it was everything that I hoped it would be. Howard made a few mistakes but it was easy to forgive him as he was playing songs that he had never played live before.

I had a pretty good week at work! I was really sick on Wednesday. I thought I had food poisoning but it turned out to be a 24 hour stomach bug. My family has been passing it around since. I'm just glad that I'm not in the middle of chemo right now or it could have turned into something worse.

I met our future neighbors today. I was at the church in the clerk's office and a nice couple came and asked if I could help them. They were looking for the right ward to attend. I asked them where they were moving to and they said that they were moving into the Wheatland Estates. I asked the address and realized that they were moving in across the street from us. So happy to have some nice neighbors moving in. We were talking a little and I found out that she had (and beat) esophigal cancer. It is amazing to me that this awful disease touches so many people. Don't get me wrong, I know that there are lots of other diseases that also impact lots of lives. I don't mean to diminish the impact of those diseases. Cancer is just at the top of mind for me and my family right now.

Big week this week. We have visitors at work. We are holding an interview session for a new hire class. I have tickets for an advanced screening of Harry Potter on Thursday. Looking forward to the end of the week (which is a bad place to be at the beginning of the week). I am trying to pass the time without going crazy. Michelle and I are also planning on dinner with Stew and Suzi this week. I've mentioned Stew in past blogs. He has been a big help as he has undergone almost the same treatments for very similar issues. I visisted with him after I found out that we may still not be out of the woods. I am still praying for remission but I have to prepare myself in the event that we do need to go to the next step.

As far as an update... I'm still not 100% but I'm feeling so much better. My hair is coming back in. I will post a picture in a week or so. It can't decide what color it is going to be. The sides are gray but I have dark hair coming in as well. I don't mind the gray. I'm just happy it is coming back. I hope I will be able to keep it and not have to go through more treatments. As always, thank you for your thoughts and prayers. I still know that I will be cured! Just may take a little longer than we originally planned.

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