Friday, April 22, 2011

Chemo #4 of 6, Silly Shirt Day, and the Red Devil

Just had my 4th chemo treatment today. I can't believe that I'm 2/3

of the way finished. Since I've been going in to work, the time is flying a lot faster for me. Let me tell you about the week...

Wednesday, I went to work and had blood labs in the afternoon. I had two of my favorite nurses help me (Joanne and Saima). We had a nice time with them and laughed a lot.

Thursday, I had my appointment with my Oncologist. It was also crazy shirt day at work. I recently purchased a shirt that states "I pay my Oncologist big bucks for this hair style". I included a picture but it is kind of hard to see. When I got to the Dr. Office, the nurse, Sharon, took one look and busted up laughing. They usually make me take my shirt off to check my lymph nodes, but she had me keep it on so Dr. Legant could see it. When she came in, she absolutely loved it. They took a picture so she could hang it on her wall of fame. After the apppointment, I went to work and my co-workers loved it as well. I think it was good for them to see that I have a sense of humor about this whole thing. I get the feeling that they tread really lightly when it comes to me and my cancer. A sense of humor is key to my healing process.

I had my first opportunity to give back on Thursday as well. I went to register Makenzie's new car (a 2000 VW Beetle). When they called my number, I went to the counter and the girl that helped me loved my shirt as well. She asked me where I got it and proceeded to tell me that her Dad was just diagnosed with Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma. She was worried and I was able to help her by telling her about my experience and that this is one of the most treatable cancers. She seemed genuinely appreciative of our conversation. It was one of the nicest experiences I have ever had at the DMV.

Michelle and I went to see a movie last night. It was okay. We saw "The Adjustment Bureau". Fun movie but not the greatest. We came home and she had a headache, which turned in to a migraine at 3:00 am. She wasn't able to go to chemo with me today. I called my Dad to see if he could take me. He did, so we were talking about all of the chemo drugs since he didn't have the experience before. I attached a picture of the Doxirubicin (also known as the "Red Devil"). Seems appropriate that they are infusing something called Red Devil into me. :) It is the drug that makes me lose hair and can cause mouth sores. I dislike this one the most but it is in most chemo treatments that I have seen. We finished even faster today (5 hours).

I don't feel sick yet but I'm sure that I will soon (most likely tomorrow). Despite all of the side effects, I am grateful for this modern medicine that continues to help me heal. We are going to beat this thing! I say we, because you are all a part of this experience for me. Many of you have invested time and energy in helping me and my family.

I can't believe that we are over the hump. We have 6 weeks until my final chemo treatment. I know it will be here before I know it. Dr. Legant ordered a CT Scan for May 9th. From what I've read, the tumor should be mostly gone by now. I can't wait to see it on the screen. I know it is working but it will be great to confirm. Thanks again for all of the support!


Monica and Stephen said...

I am so glad to hear that you are doing good with your chemo and everything. I read through your blog and it sounds like for the most part you have done well. I am so glad to hear that. I know that a lot of the patients I work with have a hard time with the rituxin and I am so glad that you dont react to it and are able to get it. It really is a powerful drug. Good luck to you and if you have any questions or advice let me know. I deal with Leukemia and Lymphoma everytime I come to work.
-your cousin Monica
(Mike and MaryLee's daughter)

David said...

You are AMAZING Jimmy. Love your attitude. And love you and your awesome family.

Jimmy & Michelle said...

Thanks Monica, it would be nice to compare notes. I think I am doing wonderful but maybe most people with RCHOP don't have it too bad.

David,we appreciate the love and support! You too have an amazing family.