Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Wind in my hair...part two

I've been thinking quite a bit about the wind in my hair. I don't know what it is but as my hair grows back, I feel like less of a cancer patient/survivor. Don't get me wrong, I still think about it but it is less obvious to others. People have been so great to me but you get to a point where you want people to treat you like everyone else.

As I've thought about the wind in my hair, I've also thought about wind in general. This is a little deep for me, but hear me out. I once heard an inspirational thought by Winston Churchill that goes something like this..."The stronger the wind, the higher the kite flies". I suppose I could have looked it up, but it is the general idea that I like. Sometimes the harder trials bring us the most growth, and dare I say it, the most joy. I've said it several times, even though this has been one of the toughest trials in my life, I don't know if I would change a thing. My only regret is that my family had to suffer and worry about me.

I also thought about a sailboat. It is possible for a sailboat to get from one side of a lake to the other when facing headwinds. The way to do that is to go back and forth diagonally, using the wind to your advantage. That is similar to my cancer experience. We continue to move forward even though we run into issues and we will get to the other side.

My friend at work told me that her Dad had a kidney stone the other day and while they were investigating the issue, they discovered some enlarged lymph nodes. She came in to work today and told me that he has Follicual Non-hodgkins Lymphoma. It was an opportunity for me to share some of this knowledge that I've unfortunately gained. I told her that I was happy to speak to her Dad, if he wants to speak about it. I hate that anyone has to learn that they have cancer. I know what it feels like. Unlike most people, I didn't have a melt down for days but it still caught up with me. I wish the best for Melissa's Dad!


Heidi and Sam said...

Brother Carbine,
I want you to know what an inspiration you are to me and Sam. I have to admit that I am totally a blog stocker and have read your blog since you were diagnosed. I just want you to know in reading your blog it opens my eyes and makes me live life a little fuller. You are truly inspirational and such an amazing person. Thanks for sharing your journey. You are still in our prayers.

Heidi Jacobson

Jimmy & Michelle said...

Thanks Heidi! Glad you like it. I enjoy writing it down. I don't keep a journal anymore, so this is the next best thing. :S