Sunday, February 20, 2011


This post is actually from Thursday but got put on a different blog. Sorry everyone!

We start chemo tomorrow, so we met with our oncologyst today. I had a bone marrow biopsy yesterday and I wasn't expecting an update from that procedure yet. We received great news...the cancer is not in the bones. The PET scan from earlier in the week shows no sign of entering into other organs and seems localized. Our staging was downgraded to stage 2b from a possible stage 3. This was a good day.

Looking forward to the first treatment tomorrow. Michelle's Aunt Terry came by and she is about to go to her 4th treatment out of 6. It was so great to see her and know that she is doing it. This disease seems to touch everyone somehow...someway. To all of my friends and family, thank you again for all that you do! Most importantly, thanks for the prayers!

We had a wonderful evening on Tuesday. My Dad and Michelle's Dad came over along with my brothers, my cousin Seth, and my Bishop. I received a blessing that I would be cured and that I would have the strength to battle through Chemo. Michelle also received a wonderful blessing, although I don't remember as much about it, other than I was feeling really sick and was trying to participate. Makenzie also received a blessing from our Bishop. It was very sweet and just reminded me that our children are so amazing. I couldn't do it alone, but I have the best support group ever, and if you are reading this blog, you are a member of that support group! So thank you!

1 comment: said...

So grateful that the cancer is localized! What a wonderful blessing that is!!! thinking of your family each and every day!