Monday, March 7, 2011

My Release and Hair

I've had a few good days recently. 3 of the last 4 nights, the night sweats have gone. It is amazing what a few good nights of sleep do for my attitude and overall health.

I was released from the Bishopric on Sunday. It was an emotional day for me, not because I was released but because I knew I would have to speak in Sacrament Meeting. We are so blessed to live in our ward. The members are so caring and service oriented. I knew I had to thank them and I'm an emotional guy. Following my testimony, my Dad got up (more tears), then my daughter Makenzie (more tears), and Michelle was the final testimony of the meeting (even more tears). It was a good day but very emotional. Michelle summed it up perfectly when she said that this trial has made everything more sweet. Our relationship is more sweet, we are so much more appreciative of family and friends and it is making a difference in other people's lives as well. Hard to see this challenge as a blessing at times...but it definitely is a blessing!

Ironically, after I was released, Michelle took me home and after getting settled I tugged at my hair. A big clump of hair came out. Michelle and Sydney thought it was a riot to pull out clumps of my hair. It didn't hurt and was very strange. We decided to take proactive measures. We went to dinner at my parents house and after dinner I let the kids and Michelle have fun with my hair. I am still getting used to my new look. Sydney keeps telling me that it is strange. We had a lot of laughs and something that could have been a difficult situation turned into a fun family event.

I love my family. I also love and appreciate all of our friends that support us each and every day!


Rob said...

Bald is beautiful, right!?!? Hang in there bruddah.

Jimmy & Michelle said...

Thanks Rob!

Unknown said...

Sunday was a special meeting. Our ward is so blessed to have the Carbines as members. You guys make good neighbors. I swear I could hear you guys partying the other night though even from our house. You might want to keep it down. :)

keep on keepin on...

Jimmy & Michelle said...

Thanks Steve! I was worried it might be too much Carbine but everyone has said similar things. About the partying, we'll try to keep it down. You know how difficult that will be for us. :D

Laurel said...

um, don't think me inappropriate but you look hot, Jimmy. not gonna lie. That's a head that was made to be bald.


Jimmy & Michelle said...

Not innappropriate Laurel. Made me smile. I'm still getting used to it but I think I do have a pretty good head.