Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Going to work

I went to work yesterday. I arrived just before 8:00 am and it took me until 8:30 to get settled. I had a meeting with my boss and counterparts at 8:30. It was great to speak with them. I really miss being in the mix. I worked until 11:30 when I ran out of steam. Unfortunately, I felt miserable for the rest of the day.

I told my boss that I wouldn't make it to work today, I just don't feel right. I probably won't return again until after my next chemo treatment. I'm so grateful to work for an employer that cares about people. I've always been loyal to my company but when I return to work, I will be even more committed to it.

Some bad news...I thought the night sweats were gone but they have returned the past two nights. I still think they are going to end soon, but it makes for lousy sleep. It really affects my attitude as well. When I get enough sleep, it is so much easier to take one day at a time.

Some really good friends of ours brought a really yummy (yes, I said yummy) dinner last night. We are learning to accept service and are so grateful for the wonderful people in our lives that continue to help us.

6 comments: said...

Hey Jim! This is Aunt Debi in California......I just read some of your postings to catch up with knowing what is going on. Please know that our entire family is keeping you in our thoughts and prayers each and every day! love you guys!

Jimmy & Michelle said...

Thank you so much Aunt Debi! We love you too and appreciate the prayers! We have felt them and are so grateful for family and friends.

Laurel said...

baby steps.
baby steps.

Praying. Praying. Praying.
SO glad you're in a great working situation and they are so supportive. that has to be a relief.

Jimmy & Michelle said...

You are right Laurel! Baby steps! I am very blessed in many ways.

Unknown said...

It was good to see you at work the other day. Thanks for stoping by.

Jimmy & Michelle said...

Mark, it wouldn't be right to come to work and not visit. Thanks for being such a great friend for all of these years. Crazy how things turn out.